miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

A subject I like to study:

Hi Geoblogers today I like  write about my favorite subject, the wich is he Oceanography; this is a branch of the Geography, that study the seas and the oceans, this want say the dinamic and structure of said water bodies. I like specially the Geologic Oceanography, in focus to the coastal process (deltas, estuaries, beach, etc..)  and the transport and deposit marine sediments, principally beach accretion and erosion.  
I really enjoyment this subjetc, this was very interesting and atractive, the teacher that impart this bouquet was María Victoria Soto, together with his helpers Misael González and Pedro Palma; while I have others subject that I love, like hidrology with teacher Francisco Ferrando and english with teacher Simon Higginson, the Oceanography is the more best for me for now. 

In class we had do beach profiles, classify for kind and zone of  rompiente, identify tidal ranges, the influence of the factors astral like the sun and the moon and the gravitational force exert on the sea. I would like in near future work in this labor camp, because is very entertaining learn about the cost, since our country since surrounded by sea, from region Arica to region Magallanes. I invite to you, to meet and comment of this subject.

1 comentario:

  1. this subject is very interesting, I also like it very much :D
    great post!!
