miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017


Hi faublogers:

I hope you have a good national holidays, today I would like tell you about the something I did last weekend. I was with my daddy last Saturday to visit and leave food to my dog Capitán, to a plot localized in the same commune in the which I live. Capitán lives there since two years ago, because I have very problems with a neighbour, he does not like pets.
Capitán is a animal that we also rescue, together with Tupaq, Bianka, between others; that are part our family, for this sake we the visit every month, until that me go to live to Talca, and I take with me.

I know that some peoples not understand about the love that I have toward the animals, principally toward my rescues pets, but only tell them that I found the true love and meaning to my life, thank to them, and I am grateful for this. They are the reason for the wich I decided not give up and fight to the end.

You remember that the simpler thing are more beautifuls, and I feel that I have many for to be happy, I hope you too my friends!!, see you later.

PD:Not forget comment

8 comentarios:

  1. Nice Post! the content of your post is exciting! words flow in this post...

    1. Thank you alan, this post is for think... like your post in that you walked with Erick..

  2. Nice post! this is like to read a Neruda´s poem. It´s exciting and melancholic!

    1. Jejje yes mauri, is like your face when you watch a romantic movie ^^

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    4. For this I wait that you visit my blog the next thursday, for that you conect with yourself, with the woman that have inside

    5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
