viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017


Hi faublogers:

Today I would like tell you about a very special friend, I mean my dog called Capitán. I know that no many people have this kind of frienship with a animals, but I do, and is very amazing achieve this type of connection with someone that belongs to another species.

Capitán is a male dog, is  3 and a half years old, he is a mixed between rottweiler and labrador race, he has a square head and his coat is black. Because his big size the house is small for he. 

I picked up to Capitán from the street in a rainy day in the year 2014, since then we have been inseparable. He together with my other pets are a great companionship. What I like the most about my dog friend is your unconditional loyalty, always he go with me anywhere. The most of the time I think in how fortunate I am to have him by my side.

The main activities that we do together is walk in the park, play with the ball  and eat a lot. We have also gone for a walk to the Maipo river, where we bathe in the water pool. No doubt my friend is a great saves lives, is pending that I did not drown.

I hope that soon I can take my three pets t tho the countryside in Talca, where they can run freely without restrictions. The house in which we currently live is very small, so they are easily stressed.

See you the next week!! Bye

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